أجهزة قياس محمولة

Temperature Datalogger - HI140
    The HI140 dataloggers represent the most economical and secure way of monitoring temperature continuously over long periods of time. These models are housed in a rugged, waterproof ABS casing that seals against the ingress of dust and water. HI140 dataloggers feature different temperature ranges to make them more accurate for your specific needs. Store up to 7600 readings Status indicator lights Fully programmable
Temperature Datalogger - HI141
    The HI141 dataloggers represent the most economical and secure way of monitoring temperature continuously over long periods of time. These models are housed in a rugged, waterproof ABS casing that seals against the ingress of dust and water. The HI141 series offers the choice of one or two channels, internal or external temperature sensors, and an optional LCD. Store up to 16,000 readings One or two channels Fully programmable
Pronto Water-resistant Wall-Mounted Precision Thermometer (°C) HI146-00
    The HI146-00 is a high accuracy thermometer with a professional grade probe attached to a flexible 2 m (6.6’) cable. Monitor the exact temperature of any product continuously and easily observe it on the LCD display. CAL Check™ feature to confirm that the thermometer is working correctly. Meets HAACP requirements. Ideal for monitoring the temperatures of liquids, semi-solids, and refrigerated foods.
Pronto Water-resistant Wall-Mounted Precision Thermometer (°C) HI146-99
    The HI146-99 is a high accuracy, waterproof thermometer with a professional grade probe attached to a flexible 2 m (6.6’) cable. Monitor the exact temperature of any product continuously and easily observe it on the LCD display. CAL Check™ feature to confirm that the thermometer is working correctly. Meets HAACP requirements. Ideal for monitoring the temperatures of liquids, semi-solids, and refrigerated foods.
Temperature Datalogger - HI148
    From storage to shipping, it's important to monitor the temperature of your products to ensure that they are being stored in optimal conditions. Quick to setup, simple to use, the HI148 is a datalogger that is ideal for monitoring and recording temperature in applications such as food processing, transportation, museums, and horticulture. Available with one or two channels, and internal and/or external sensors Multicolor LEDs for logging status Customizable programming using the included software
edge® Dedicated pH/ORP Meter - HI2002
    Hanna Instruments is proud to introduce the world’s most innovative pH/ORP meter: edge®. edge’s groundbreaking design is the culmination of Hanna’s vision, design capabilities, integrated production and world class R&D. edge is a single, easy to use meter that can measure pH and ORP. edge screen size Advanced pH Electrode Diagnostics edge features advanced pH electrode diagnostics to ensure worry-free measurements. Diagnostics include Hanna’s exclusive CAL CheckTM feature that alerts users to potential problems during calibration. The Sensor CheckTM feature for glass and junction integrity is enabled when using optional pH electrodes with a matching pin. Capacitive Touch Capacitive Touch edge features a capacitive touch keypad that gives a distinctive, modern look. The keypad has a fast response and is sensitive enough to be used with laboratory gloves. Since the keypad is part of the screen, there are no buttons to get clogged with sample residue. Clear Full Text Readout Large, Easy to Read LCD edge features a 5.5” LCD display that you can clearly view from over 5 meters. The large display and it’s wide 150° viewing angle provide one of the easiest to read LCDs in the industry.


أقلام للقياس 46 أجهزة قياس محمولة 88 أجهزة قياس مكتبية 26 أجهزة قياس ضوئية مكتبية 10 أجهزة قياس طيفية 1 أجهزة معايرة 14 أجهزة فحص ضوئية 38 أجهزة قياس الانكسار 15 كيماويات الاختبار 80 جهاز تقليب مغناطيسي 10 حساسات 244 المحاليل 651 الكواشف 305 ادارة الصناعه 33 مستلزمات و اكسسوارات 209 فرن تجفيف 20 فرن تجفيف صناعى 8 فرن حرق 122 حضانة 12 ماصات مكتبية - كابينة الغازات 16 ماصات 55 فريزر 6 هزاز 27 جهاز زراعة الخلايا الاسطوانى 17 جهاز تعقيم 13 جهازالتبخير و التقطير 6 غرفة بيئية 20 فرن تجفيف مفرغ الهواء 32 حمام مائى 47 قلاب و جهاز طرد مركزى صغير 51 قلاب راسي 108 مطحنة 6 مجفف 11 جهاز قياس الرطوبة 11 ميزان 89 مراقبة المياه 83 خارج المعمل 241 داخل و تكييف مركزى 151 لقاحات وأنظمة نقل اللقاحات 9 وسط غذائى جاف 853 صناعات دوائية 67 اطباق جاهزة للصب 9 µPREP™ 7 Captivate™ 9 NutriTone™ 0 Neogen® 564 ملحقات و اضافات 65 التعرف و التأكيد 21 نظام فصل افقى 387 نظام فصل رأسى 356 جهاز فصل كهربى طبى و صيدلى 66 نقل الأحماض النووية او البروتينات و فصلها 37 مزودات الطاقة 27 نظام التوثيق الهلامى 149 كابينة التعقيم بالاشعة الفوق البنفسجية 14 منتجات معملية 540 الكواشف و الكيماويات 91 علوم الحياه 144 السلامة من الاشعاع 133 علب القفازات 4 التخمير و العمليات الحيوية 10 أجهزة القياس الضوئية المحمولة 56 الموازين 559 osmometers 7 chloridemeters 1 Control Unit 2

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