LCS15 (Stainless Steel)


LCS15 (Stainless Steel)

For general purpose tension, compression measuring
Capacity Model No.
500 kgf (5 kN) LCS15K500
1 tf (10 kN) LCS15T001
2 tf (20 kN) LCS15T002
 Best suited for tank and hopper scales. The corrosive-resistant, stainless steel is ideal to be used in harsh environments.
 The structure is less susceptible to biased loading.
 Compression measurements are also possible.
Rated capacities 5 kN (500 kgf), 10 kN (1 tf), 20 kN (2 tf)
Rated output 2 mV/V±0.1%
Safe load limit 150% of R.C.
Combined error 0.03% of R.O.
Recommended excitation voltage DC5 to 12 V
Maximum excitation voltage DC15 V
Zero balance ± 1% of R.O.
Input terminal resistance 380 ± 20 Ω
Output terminal resistance 350 ± 3.5 Ω
Insulation resistance 5000 MΩ / DC50 V
Compensated temperature range -10 °C to 40 °C
Temperature effect Zero balance : 0.016% of R.O. / 10 °C
Rated output : 0.013% of Load/10 °C Typ.
Cable diameter / length φ5 / 4.5 m
Dust / Waterproof IP67

When used with stainless steel rod-end bearings, please ensure that the normal operating load is less than 1/2 of the rated capacity of the load cell.

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