Ammonia Medium Range Reagents (300 tests) - HI93715-03


Ammonia Medium Range Reagents (300 tests) - HI93715-03



The HI93715-03 are high quality reagents that are pre-measured, allowing for users to achieve fast and accurate colorimetric measurements. These reagents follow the Nessler Method in which the reaction between ammonia and the reagent causes a color change in the sample. The intensity of color is determined by a compatible photometer and the concentration and based upon the meter will be displayed in mg/L (ppm) as ammonia (NH3) or ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). These reagents are designed to be used with samples that have an expected range of 0.00 to 9.99 mg/L ammonia.

Package Dropper bottles “A” and “B”
Quantity 300 tests
Method Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426-93, Nessler Method. The reaction between ammonia and the reagents causes a yellow tint in the sample.


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