أجهزة قياس مكتبية

Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Meter - HI5421
    The HI5421 is an advanced research grade benchtop Dissolved Oxygen and BOD meter that is completely customizable with a large color LCD, capacitive touch keys, and USB port for computer connectivity. The HI5421 is rich in features including data logging, alarm limits, comprehensive GLP, and more while retaining simplicity in use with both dedicated key for routine operation and virtual keys that guide the user through setup options. capacitive touch Capacitive touch keypad Built in Barometer for automatic pressure compensation BOD, OUR and SOUR methods
Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop pH/mV and EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Meter - HI5521
    The HI5521 is an advanced research grade benchtop pH/mV/EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity meter that is completely customizable with a large color LCD, capacitive touch keys, and USB port for computer connectivity. The HI5521 is rich in features including data logging, alarm limits, comprehensive GLP, and many more while retaining simplicity in use with both dedicated key for routine operation and virtual keys that guide the user through setup options. The HI5521 ensures confidence in pH measurements with the exclusive Hanna Instruments CAL Check™ feature that alerts the user to potential problems during calibration including if the buffer is contaminated or the probe needs to be cleaned. capacitive touch Capacitive touch keypad Two independent channels cal check CAL Check™
Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop pH/mV/ISE and EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Meter - HI5522
    The HI5522 is an advanced research grade benchtop pH/mV/ISE/EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity meter that is completely customizable with a large color LCD, capacitive touch keys, and USB port for computer connectivity. The HI5522 is rich in features including ISE incremental methods, data logging, alarm limits, comprehensive GLP, and many more while retaining simplicity in use with both dedicated key for routine operation and virtual keys that guide the user through setup options. The HI5522 ensures confidence in pH measurements with the exclusive Hanna Instruments CAL Check™ feature that alerts the user to potential problems during calibration including if the buffer is contaminated or the probe needs to be cleaned. capacitive touch Capacitive touch keypad Two independent channels ISE choice of concentration units and incremental methods
Laboratory Research Grade Benchtop pH/mV/ISE and EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Meter - HI5522
    The HI5522 is an advanced research grade benchtop pH/mV/ISE/EC/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity meter that is completely customizable with a large color LCD, capacitive touch keys, and USB port for computer connectivity. The HI5522 is rich in features including ISE incremental methods, data logging, alarm limits, comprehensive GLP, and many more while retaining simplicity in use with both dedicated key for routine operation and virtual keys that guide the user through setup options. The HI5522 ensures confidence in pH measurements with the exclusive Hanna Instruments CAL Check™ feature that alerts the user to potential problems during calibration including if the buffer is contaminated or the probe needs to be cleaned. capacitive touch Capacitive touch keypad Two independent channels ISE choice of concentration units and incremental methods
EPA Compliant Benchtop Turbidity and Chlorine Meter - HI83414
    The HI83414 is a high accuracy turbidity and chlorine benchtop meter. This meter is a combination of a nephelometer and photometer to measure the most important parameters in drinking water: turbidity and chlorine. The meter is supplied complete with AMCO-AEPA-1 primary turbidity standards and NIST traceable secondary chlorine standards used for calibration and performance verification. The HI83414 meets and exceeds the requirements of EPA Method 180.1 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 2130 B for turbidity measurements. For chlorine measurements an adaptation of EPA Method 330.5 and Standard Method 4500-Cl G is used. Compliant to EPA Methods Up to ±2% of reading plus 0.02 NTU accuracy USB for data transfer
EPA Compliant Benchtop Turbidity Meter - HI88703
    The HI88703 is a high accuracy (±2% of reading plus 0.02 NTU) Turbidity Benchtop Meter. The meter is supplied complete with AMCO-AEPA-1 primary turbidity standards used for calibration and performance verification. The HI88703 meets and exceeds the requirements of EPA Method 180.1 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 2130 B for turbidity measurements. Up to ±0.02 NTU accuracy USB for data transfer


أقلام للقياس 46 أجهزة قياس محمولة 88 أجهزة قياس مكتبية 26 أجهزة قياس ضوئية مكتبية 10 أجهزة قياس طيفية 1 أجهزة معايرة 14 أجهزة فحص ضوئية 38 أجهزة قياس الانكسار 15 كيماويات الاختبار 80 جهاز تقليب مغناطيسي 10 حساسات 244 المحاليل 651 الكواشف 305 ادارة الصناعه 33 مستلزمات و اكسسوارات 209 فرن تجفيف 20 فرن تجفيف صناعى 8 فرن حرق 122 حضانة 12 ماصات مكتبية - كابينة الغازات 16 ماصات 55 فريزر 6 هزاز 27 جهاز زراعة الخلايا الاسطوانى 17 جهاز تعقيم 13 جهازالتبخير و التقطير 6 غرفة بيئية 20 فرن تجفيف مفرغ الهواء 32 حمام مائى 47 قلاب و جهاز طرد مركزى صغير 51 قلاب راسي 108 مطحنة 6 مجفف 11 جهاز قياس الرطوبة 11 ميزان 89 مراقبة المياه 83 خارج المعمل 241 داخل و تكييف مركزى 151 لقاحات وأنظمة نقل اللقاحات 9 وسط غذائى جاف 853 صناعات دوائية 67 اطباق جاهزة للصب 9 µPREP™ 7 Captivate™ 9 NutriTone™ 0 Neogen® 564 ملحقات و اضافات 65 التعرف و التأكيد 21 نظام فصل افقى 387 نظام فصل رأسى 356 جهاز فصل كهربى طبى و صيدلى 66 نقل الأحماض النووية او البروتينات و فصلها 37 مزودات الطاقة 27 نظام التوثيق الهلامى 149 كابينة التعقيم بالاشعة الفوق البنفسجية 14 منتجات معملية 540 الكواشف و الكيماويات 91 علوم الحياه 144 السلامة من الاشعاع 133 علب القفازات 4 التخمير و العمليات الحيوية 10 أجهزة القياس الضوئية المحمولة 56 الموازين 559 osmometers 7 chloridemeters 1 Control Unit 2

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