التعرف و التأكيد

Microscreen Legionella latex confirmation assay
    Microscreen Legionella latex confirmation assay Product Code: M45 A rapid test for the confirmation identification of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 and serogroup 2-15 and non-L.pneumophila species of clinical significance grown on selective media. L.pneumophila is the most common cause of Legionnaires Disease. At present 16 serogroups exist, of which L.pneumophila serogroup 1 accounts for the majority of cases. In addition, a range of other species of Legionella have also been implicated as the causative agent of Legionnaires disease. Clinical and environmental awareness, and testing for Legionella, is rapidly increasing assisted by the introduction of several commercially available selective culture media. However, none of the media are specific for L.pneumophila serogroup 1 and not everything that grows on them is Legionella. Therefore a specific test is needed to quickly confirm the identification of isolates so that appropriate action can be taken. Microgen Legionella is an easy-to-use latex agglutination test for L.pneumophila serogroups 1 and 2-15 and now a range of non-L.pneumophila species which have been implicated as causes of diseases in humans. The kit provides specific results in under two minutes directly from a selective medium. Conventional methods for identification of Legionella utilise specific antisera in standard agglutination or immunofluorescence tests. However, these methods lack sensitivity, are time consuming and can require specialised training and expensive equipment. The test latexes used in Microgen Legionella are coated with immunoglobulins which have been specially processed to minimise cross reactions with potentially cross reacting organisms, eliminating the need for a control latex, simplifying the procedure and increasing efficiency. Microgen Legionella has recently been improved by the addition of a new latex reagent which identifies a range of non-L.pneumophila species of clinical significance with a high specificity and no cross-reactions with L.pneumophila. Microgen Legionella contains test latexes for both L.pneumophila serogroup 1 and 2-15, and now a latex reagent for the following additional species; L.micdadei, L.bozemanii 1 & II, L.dumoffii, L.longbeachae 1 & II, L.jordanis, L.gormanii, L.anisa and L.feelei in a convenient 50 test pack with a long shelf life to offer the most rapid, specific and sensitive test for Legionella currently available. PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) Dairy Food Water Related Organism(s) Legionella
Campylobacter Latex Confirmation Assay (Microscreen)
    Campylobacter Latex Confirmation Assay (Microscreen) Product Code: M46 A rapid test for the confirmatory identification of enteropathogenic, thermophilic Campylobacter grown on selective agar. Campylobacter gastro-enteritis is most prevalent in young children, but outbreaks are also common in adults. In temperate climates the incidence of Campylobacter gastro-enteritis peaks in summer and early autumn, whereas in tropical climates peak incidences may occur in the cooler months. Campylobacter infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics but in the majority of cases, due to the length of time required by traditional detection methods, the acute phase has passed by the time a laboratory diagnosis is communicated to the physician. Microgen Campylobacter is a rapid, easy-to-use test which can be reliably performed on selective agar colonies. Microgen Campylobacter can therefore reduce the time taken to produce a laboratory diagnosis and improve patient prognosis. Our test: • Detects Campylobacter from solid selective media • Permits the early detection of Campylobacter gastro-enteritis enabling appropriate therapy to commence immediately, thereby improving patient prognosis • Is highly specific so that a presumptive identification can be reliably formed on the basis of the Microgen® test alone. Our Microgen Campylobacter Rapid test detects: C. jejuni C. jejuni subsp. Doylei C. coli C. upsaliensis C. laridis C. fetus PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) Clinical Dairy Food Related Organism(s) Campylobacter
Microscreen Strep latex confirmation assay
    Microscreen Strep latex confirmation assay Product Code: M47 A rapid test for the confirmatory identification of Streptococci of Lancefield Groups A, B, C, D, F and G from culture plates. Most strains of Streptococci which have been isolated from human infections possess serological group specific antigens. Identification of the organisms includes extraction and characterisation of these antigens from organism grown in culture. The classical method of grouping Streptococci has been the Lancefield method; however, it is very time consuming and requires considerable technical expertise. This has restricted its use to only a very few reference laboratories. The use of Latex Technology coupled with high quality, specific antisera and a specific enzyme extraction protocol has brought Streptococcal grouping within the reach of most laboratories. Microgen Strep utilises latex particles that have been sensitised with high quality group specific antisera. Cell wall antigens are extracted by rapid enzymic digestion and then tested by a panel of latex reagents. A positive reaction is denoted by a strong agglutination reaction. The negatives remain smooth thus ensuring confidence in the final result. Microgen Strep Features · Rapid grouping of Groups ABCDFG · Enzymic extraction of all groups · Easy-to-read agglutination · Minimal cross-reactions between groups · High sensitivity to group D Rapid testing of Streptococcal antigens using latex reagents is a well established procedure. Release of the antigen from the cell wall can be accomplished by enzyme or chemical degradation. The enzyme reagent used in Microgen Strep is unique. PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) Clinical Dairy Food Related Organism(s) Streptococci
Microgen ID System software
    Microgen ID System software Product Code: MID-60 The Microgen range of bacterial identification products provide simple and reliable systems for clinical, food, environmental and pharmaceutical laboratories. Presented in convenient microwell formats, these systems provide flexible identification platforms which in turn provide savings in cost, time and key laboratory space (incubation and storage). The Microgen ID System Software supports all the Microgen ID products. Microgen ID System Software is the simplest-to-use and most feature-packed Computer Identification System Software available. Features Include: -Configurable data entry field to suit all laboratory situations. -Guidance in the interpretation of results -References to original citations and taxonomic changes -Results storage with full editing capabilities -Extensive and fully maintained databases (free database updates for all registered users) PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) General Purpose Related Organism(s) Reagent
Nitrate A filled vial
    Nitrate A filled vial Product Code: MID-61A PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) General Purpose Related Organism(s) Reagent
Nitrate B filled vial
    Nitrate B filled vial Product Code: MID-61B PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UK ONLY. Related Sector(s) General Purpose Related Organism(s) Reagent


أقلام للقياس 46 أجهزة قياس محمولة 88 أجهزة قياس مكتبية 26 أجهزة قياس ضوئية مكتبية 10 أجهزة قياس طيفية 1 أجهزة معايرة 14 أجهزة فحص ضوئية 38 أجهزة قياس الانكسار 15 كيماويات الاختبار 80 جهاز تقليب مغناطيسي 10 حساسات 244 المحاليل 651 الكواشف 305 ادارة الصناعه 33 مستلزمات و اكسسوارات 209 فرن تجفيف 20 فرن تجفيف صناعى 8 فرن حرق 122 حضانة 12 ماصات مكتبية - كابينة الغازات 16 ماصات 55 فريزر 6 هزاز 27 جهاز زراعة الخلايا الاسطوانى 17 جهاز تعقيم 13 جهازالتبخير و التقطير 6 غرفة بيئية 20 فرن تجفيف مفرغ الهواء 32 حمام مائى 47 قلاب و جهاز طرد مركزى صغير 51 قلاب راسي 108 مطحنة 6 مجفف 11 جهاز قياس الرطوبة 11 ميزان 89 مراقبة المياه 83 خارج المعمل 241 داخل و تكييف مركزى 151 لقاحات وأنظمة نقل اللقاحات 9 وسط غذائى جاف 853 صناعات دوائية 67 اطباق جاهزة للصب 9 µPREP™ 7 Captivate™ 9 NutriTone™ 0 Neogen® 564 ملحقات و اضافات 65 التعرف و التأكيد 21 نظام فصل افقى 387 نظام فصل رأسى 356 جهاز فصل كهربى طبى و صيدلى 66 نقل الأحماض النووية او البروتينات و فصلها 37 مزودات الطاقة 27 نظام التوثيق الهلامى 149 كابينة التعقيم بالاشعة الفوق البنفسجية 14 منتجات معملية 540 الكواشف و الكيماويات 91 علوم الحياه 144 السلامة من الاشعاع 133 علب القفازات 4 التخمير و العمليات الحيوية 10 أجهزة القياس الضوئية المحمولة 56 الموازين 559 osmometers 7 chloridemeters 1 Control Unit 2

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