
Staphylococcus spp. Vial - box of 100
    Soleris® Staphylococcus spp. vials are used as a screening method for detection of Staphylococcus microorganisms. The Staph Vial, pH range: 7.0 to 7.4, contains aniline blue as a dye indicator. Staphylococcus spp., especially S. aureus, if present in the test sample, ferment the mannitol sugar in the broth changing it to acid, which changes the lighter blue colour dye to a dark blue colour.
Yeast Acid Food Vial - box of 100
    The Yeast Acid Food Vial is a minimally buffered medium with dextrose as the carbon source, and chlorophenol red (CPR) dye as the pH indicator (pH range: 6.0 to 6.4). A supplement containing chloramphenicol and chlortetracycline is used to inhibit the growth of bacteria. As the yeast grow and reduce the sugar to acid, the CPR dye changes from red to yellow.
Soleris® Supplement, Yeast and Mold , 4 x 10 mL
    The Yeast Acid Food Vial is a minimally buffered medium with dextrose as the carbon source, and chlorophenol red (CPR) dye as the pH indicator (pH range: 6.0 to 6.4). A supplement containing chloramphenicol and chlortetracycline is used to inhibit the growth of bacteria. As the yeast grow and reduce the sugar to acid, the CPR dye changes from red to yellow.
Soleris Supplement, Yeast and Mould Supplement with Chlortetracycline
    The Direct Yeast and Mould with Chloramphenical (DYM-109C) Medium vial offers a shorter detection time of yeasts and moulds. Chloramphenicol has been added to this vial to reduce the handling hazard. When carbon dioxide (CO2) is released by growing yeasts and moulds, the CO2 produced diffuses through a membrane layer into a soft agar plug containing a dye indicator. The colour change in the dye is read by the Soleris® instrument. The membrane layer also serves as a barrier, eliminating product interference with the reading frame. Certain product matrices may require new parameters. For more information, contact Neogen® Technical Services.
Soleris Supplement, Yeast and Mould Enrichment Broth for Yogurt - case of 10
    The Direct Yeast and Mould with Chloramphenical (DYM-109C) Medium vial offers a shorter detection time of yeasts and moulds. Chloramphenicol has been added to this vial to reduce the handling hazard. When carbon dioxide (CO2) is released by growing yeasts and moulds, the CO2 produced diffuses through a membrane layer into a soft agar plug containing a dye indicator. The colour change in the dye is read by the Soleris® instrument. The membrane layer also serves as a barrier, eliminating product interference with the reading frame. Certain product matrices may require new parameters. For more information, contact Neogen® Technical Services.
Soleris Supplement, Yeast and Mould for Yogurt
    The Direct Yeast and Mould with Chloramphenical (DYM-109C) Medium vial offers a shorter detection time of yeasts and moulds. Chloramphenicol has been added to this vial to reduce the handling hazard. When carbon dioxide (CO2) is released by growing yeasts and moulds, the CO2 produced diffuses through a membrane layer into a soft agar plug containing a dye indicator. The colour change in the dye is read by the Soleris® instrument. The membrane layer also serves as a barrier, eliminating product interference with the reading frame. Certain product matrices may require new parameters. For more information, contact Neogen® Technical Services.


أقلام للقياس 46 أجهزة قياس محمولة 88 أجهزة قياس مكتبية 26 أجهزة قياس ضوئية مكتبية 10 أجهزة قياس طيفية 1 أجهزة معايرة 14 أجهزة فحص ضوئية 38 أجهزة قياس الانكسار 15 كيماويات الاختبار 80 جهاز تقليب مغناطيسي 10 حساسات 244 المحاليل 651 الكواشف 305 ادارة الصناعه 33 مستلزمات و اكسسوارات 209 فرن تجفيف 20 فرن تجفيف صناعى 8 فرن حرق 122 حضانة 12 ماصات مكتبية - كابينة الغازات 16 ماصات 55 فريزر 6 هزاز 27 جهاز زراعة الخلايا الاسطوانى 17 جهاز تعقيم 13 جهازالتبخير و التقطير 6 غرفة بيئية 20 فرن تجفيف مفرغ الهواء 32 حمام مائى 47 قلاب و جهاز طرد مركزى صغير 51 قلاب راسي 108 مطحنة 6 مجفف 11 جهاز قياس الرطوبة 11 ميزان 89 مراقبة المياه 83 خارج المعمل 241 داخل و تكييف مركزى 151 لقاحات وأنظمة نقل اللقاحات 9 وسط غذائى جاف 853 صناعات دوائية 67 اطباق جاهزة للصب 9 µPREP™ 7 Captivate™ 9 NutriTone™ 0 Neogen® 564 ملحقات و اضافات 65 التعرف و التأكيد 21 نظام فصل افقى 387 نظام فصل رأسى 356 جهاز فصل كهربى طبى و صيدلى 66 نقل الأحماض النووية او البروتينات و فصلها 37 مزودات الطاقة 27 نظام التوثيق الهلامى 149 كابينة التعقيم بالاشعة الفوق البنفسجية 14 منتجات معملية 540 الكواشف و الكيماويات 91 علوم الحياه 144 السلامة من الاشعاع 133 علب القفازات 4 التخمير و العمليات الحيوية 10 أجهزة القياس الضوئية المحمولة 56 الموازين 559 osmometers 7 chloridemeters 1 Control Unit 2

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