Optic USB Base Station for Pendant®


Optic USB Base Station for Pendant®


The Pendant Base Station and Coupler provide fast optical infrared (IR) communication for easy data logger launch and readout of HOBO Pendant data loggers. The Base Station connects via USB to a host computer, while the Coupler attaches the data logger to the Base Station for communications. The Pendant Base Station offloads full 64K data logger in 30 seconds or a full 8K data logger in 6 seconds, and is splash resistant.

Highlighted Features

  • Provides fast optical infrared (IR) communication for easy logger launch and readout of HOBO Pendant Event data loggers
  • Connects via USB to a host computer
  • Offloads full 64K logger in 30 seconds
Data Loggers
USB Data Loggers - internal sensors only
Rain Gauge Data Logger
Rain Gauge (Metric) Data Logger
8K Pendant® Temperature/Alarm (Waterproof) Data Logger
64K Pendant® Temperature/Alarm (Waterproof) Data Logger
Pendant® Temperature/Light 8K Data Logger
Pendant® Temperature/Light 64K Data Logger
Pendant® Event Data Logger
Pendant® G Data Logger
HOBOware Pro CD or USB Drive (USB Cable Included) Software
HOBOware Pro - Mac/Win (Download Only) Software
Replacement Parts
Replacement Pendant® Coupler for the BASE-U-1 Replacement
Carrying Case
Pelican Case

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